List of Tables
Thermally Activated Switching
List of Figures
Larmor precession with damping
Triangulation of a 2D domain
Nodal basis functions
Common support of two basis functions
In the fixpoint iteration method the magnetization vectors are rotated towards the effective field.
Magnetization configurations in the
mag standard problem #3
Energy of flower (
) and vortex (
) state
Trajectory of the magnetization vector
Dependence of switching time on damping constant
Definition of angles in the Stoner-Wohlfarth model
Hysteresis curves of a spherical single domain particle for different angles between anisotropy axis and external field [
Energy landscape
Thermally perturbed precession
Distributions in thermal equilibrium
Average magnetization for Boltzmann distribution
Number of switching events as a function of
. The solid line is a fit of the classical Arrhenius formula.
Time step dependence of numerical integration schemes
Time step dependence at higher temperatures
Magnetization reversal of a cubic particle
Snapshots of a switching event
Dependence of the number of switching events on the simulation parameters
Dependence of the number of switching events on damping constant and temperature
Results of switching time measurements
Probability of not switching for different time step sizes
Magnetization reversal mechanisms in small spherical particles
Nucleation of a droplet of reversed magnetization
Dependence of the metastable lifetime on the external field
Coherent rotation of the magnetization at an external field of
Nucleation and expansion of a single droplet at an external field of
Multi-droplet nucleation at an external field of
Horizontal arrangement of two particles with a centre to centre distance of
times the diameter
Probability of not switching for a single (1) and two interacting particles at a centre to centre distance of 4 (2f) and 1.2 (2c) times the diameter
Vertical arrangement of two particles with a centre to centre distance of
times the diameter
Probability of not switching for a single (1) and two horizontally (2h) and vertically (2v) aligned particles with a centre to centre distance of 1.2 times the diameter
Probability of not switching for a single (1) and two vertically aligned interacting particles at a centre to centre distance of 1.2 (2vc) and 4 (2vf) times the diameter
Probability of not-switching of magnetization as a function of the time for a 20 nm single crystalline Co particle at
K. The full lines are fits to the data with an exponential [
Function header with precompiler directive
Header file with precompiler directives
Flow chart of the finite difference program
Initialization file
Flow chart of the finite element package
Subroutine header of the stochastic time integration
Sequence of subroutine calls for time integration
Werner Scholz 2000-05-16