This problem has been chosen to verify the equilibrium states obtained by the finite difference program. A lattice of
magnetic moments and the fixpoint iteration method (section
) have been used to calculate the equilibrium states.
The rdm/mumag.htmlmag standard problem #3 [48] consists in calculating the single domain limit of a cubic magnetic particle. This is the size of equal energy for the so-called flower state (fig.
) on the one hand, and the vortex or curling state (fig.
) on the other hand. The easy axis of magnetocrystalline anisotropy is parallel to a principal axis of the cube. The uniaxial anisotropy constant is given by
, where
is a magnetostatic energy density.
The results are given in the column marked ``FD'' in tables ,
, and
and compared with those published by Rave et al. [49], Ribeiro et al. and Hertel et al. on the web page of NIST [48]. The partial energies are given in units of
, the magnetization in units of
, and the single domain limit
in units of
, where
is the exchange constant.