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6.3 Interpretation of stochastic integrals
Let us assume a one dimensional stochastic differential equation with multiplicative noise [41]
(6.9) |
The increment
during a short time interval
is given by
The second term, which is a stochastic integral, has to be investigated in more detail. We can evaluate the integrand at the beginning of the interval
, multiply it by the length of the interval and use the result as the increment for small
. Thus, we obtain
is a standard Gaussian random variable at each discrete time step with
, that is the case for additive noise, it is equivalent to equation (
However, we could also evaluate the integrand
at any other time
in the interval
and at
In this general case we get for the increment
an implicit expression
With the abbreviation
we get
Finally, we get for the increment
In this equation we find an additional drift term, which contains
. The latter can be replaced by 1 for terms up to the order of
. Depending on the choice of
and the interpretation of the integral, we get different drift terms.
If we set
, we get
(6.13) |
and we call it the Itô interpretation of the stochastic differential equation
(6.14) |
, we get
and we call it the Stratonovich interpretation, which is indicated by writing
(6.16) |
Thus, we have to distinguish between the interpretation of a stochastic differential equation and the version, in which it is written.
The stochastic differential equation (
) can be written in an Itô version using (
) as
(6.17) |
where we find the noise induced drift term
(6.18) |
Reversely, (
) can be written in a Stratonovich version as
Due to the different drift terms, the two interpretations yield different dynamical properties [41]. Itô calculus is commonly chosen on certain mathematical grounds, since rather general results of probability theory can then be employed. On the other hand, white noise is usually an idealization of physical (coloured) noise with short autocorrelation time, in which case the two time covariance function is given by
with a short time constant
The Wong-Zakai-Theorem [42] then says, that in the formal zero-correlation-time limit
the coloured noise becomes white noise and we obtain the Stratonovich-Interpretation for the stochastic differential equation. The results coincide with those obtained in the limit of fluctuations with finite autocorrelation time. Therefore, Stratonovich calculus is usually preferred in physical applications.
Next: 6.4 Taylor expansions
Up: 6. Stochastic calculus
Previous: 6.2 Stochastic differential equations
Werner Scholz