First a new document (with the name demo
) is created and initialized
with the magnetization
problem on the cube
domain using the
open demo cube magnetization multigrid
Then the cube is triangulated using Kuhn's method. (See figure 3 for the corners' numbering.)
element 0 1 3 7
element 0 1 5 7
element 0 2 3 7
element 0 2 6 7
element 0 4 5 7
element 0 4 6 7
After refining the whole grid two times, the cube consists of
tetrahedrons and
The initial triangulation and the twice refined mesh are shown in
figure 5.1.
(cf. section 4.2.3) the two desired domains of
magnetization are initialized.
The initial triangulation should be as coarse as possible, just fine enough
to resolve the shape of the domain and the coefficient jumps in the problem
under consideration.
However, it can be expected that the grid will have to be refined at the domain
wall, which will be very thin in a hard magnetic material (typically some
Therefore we start with a sufficiently fine grid.
Now the files containing all information necessary for vecu
can be
expvertices cube.knt
expelements cube.ijk
expsol cube.mag
Then mesh33
, material2
, omega33
, matrix2
, and
do the preprocessing before vecu33
can be invoked.
Following vecu
's calculations the results have to be imported in .Figure 7 shows the total energy stored in the magnetization of the
cube as a function of the simulation time.
impsol cube.inp
imperror cube.ind
These commands will assign to each vertex its calculated magnetization vector and to each element its estimated error.
The estimated error has to be evaluated and for each element decided if it has to be refined or not. For this task there are several estimators, which are described in section 4.2.4.
set estimator = etamax
set tolerance = 0.5
All marked elements are coloured blue (boundary faces) and green (cut plane).
In figure 5 the faces of all marked elements of the
left cube appear darker than the others.
Then refine
starts the refinement algorithm described in previous
sections and creates the triangulation shown on the right of figure
5. It consists of 318 vertices and 1,312 elements.
However, the new vertices contain no valid magnetization vector yet.
These have to be created by interpolation with the command interpolate
Finally, the output files can be generated as described above, the new calculation started, and the grid refined again. The result shown in figure 6 is a grid of 1,774 vertices and 8,867 elements.