Next: Hysteresis curves
Up: Simulation parameters
Previous: Parallel arrangement
Secondly, two particles in a T-shaped arrangement have been simulated. The shape anisotropy of a particle gives rise to strong demagnetizing fields close to the square faces on the top and bottom. In this simulation their influence on another close particle has been studied.
Figure 9:
FE mesh and cut planes of hex_T
\subfigure[Finite element mesh and grain distributio...
...state plots]{
\includegraphics[scale=0.29]{fig/inthexh.cut.eps} }
\end{figure}](img14.gif) |
Figure 10:
Easy axes of hex_T
\subfigure[Front cut plane]{
...ack cut plane]{
\includegraphics[scale=0.3]{fig/inthexh.ani2.eps} }\end{figure}](img15.gif) |
Werner Scholz